Be humble my son!
Dear son, I send this letter to you to strengthen your vision of humility.
Reread this letter every week and learn now to always think about God.
Get used to addressing anyone, always calmly. Thus you will flee from wrath, a serious defect that leads to sin.
Our sages told us: "He who is angry, all forms of hell rule over him ... remove the anger from your heart and dispel all evil from your person".
When the anger of your heart has dissipated, you must cultivate the humility that is the best of all virtues.
"Humility leads to belief in God". Because by being humble, you will question yourself about your origin, about your path and you will be aware of the fragility of your life.
Remember that after earthly life, we must all be accountable to the king of kings, Blessed be He, our God, King of the Universe.
As soon as you think about these truths, your heart will return to your Creator, God, and you will be protected from errors. And being humble you will be happy with your destiny.
Humility will teach you to respect all people, to consider them, and to steer clear of error.
Divine Grace will dwell in you and its Splendor will accompany you through the world to come.
And now, my son, know and reflect that the one who stands as proud because he thinks he is better than his peers, is rebelling against God, because you would be proud of the things that God has given you.
What could the man be proud of?
- Will you be proud of the wealth? It is God who inherits and enriches.
- Of honor? "Honor belongs to God"
And how will you be proud of your Creator's honor?
- Will you be proud of the "wisdom"? Remember that God withdraws the word of the faithful and grasps the knowledge of the wise.
Thus, everything is the same before the Lord.
In his fury he lowers the proud and, according to His Will, raises the humble. So lower yourself and God will raise you up.
So I will explain to you how to conduct yourself in virtue of humility:
Always express yourself calmly, your head bowed, your eyes fixed on the earth and your heart on the sky. Lower your gaze to your interlocutor and consider every man as your superior.
If you are a wise man or a rich man, you must respect him. If he is poor and you are richer or wiser than him, think in your heart that he is more innocent and you are more guilty. If he is a sinner, it may be out of innocence, whereas if you sin it will be on purpose, because you already know the word of God, and of your parents.
In all circumstances and in all your words, actions and thoughts, think that you are before the Almighty and the Divine Grace of God is upon you, for His Glory fills the world.
Express yourself with fear and respect, like the slave before your master. Be ashamed of any man. If a person challenges you, do not answer out loud, but calmly as if you are in front of your master.
Always study the Torah in order to fulfill it. When leaving the book, look in the study for what you can apply immediately.
Examine your actions morning and night and every day of your life will be one of introspection - stop and think.
Take away all worldly concerns from you at the time of prayer.
Prepare your heart before the Creator and purify your thoughts. Think about the words before you pronounce them.
And so do this every day of your life and do not commit sins. With that, your words, your actions and your thoughts will be correct. Your prayer will be pure, clear, clean, well-intentioned and receptive to God, Blessed be He, as it is said: "You prepare your hearts, You listen to them".
Read this letter once a week, never less, in order to fulfill it and walk in the path of the Almighty. Thus, you will triumph in all your ways and you will be worthy of the world to come reserved for the righteous.