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May I help you?

Dear son, I preferred to write you this letter to put some feelings of mine. I have been realizing that many guidelines that I have given you, to help in your organization, have not worked very well, and you say that you were not aware of these. So I believe that writing is perhaps a better way to achieve it.
You see, some rules we need to put in place for the good living of the family, but also for their well being. That well-being you will achieve when there is less pressure on you. And that pressure only decreases when you start to organize yourself better.
See son. God gave you the glory of having a father and mother by your side, day by day, to guide and help you. How many children would not give their all to have a dad and mom by their side.
Look, a little baby in the nursery just lost her father, who passed away today. And she is only two years old. She won't have a dad around to help her. She won't complain about the annoyance of Dad's scolding. You will not complain about taking a walk with him.
And we’re here to help you, and sometimes you don’t accept that help.
We agreed that you should pack your things at night. You organized yourself for a couple of days and then left it alone. Because? Because it has no consequences? Why don't you think it's important to mom? Because you think that busy mornings are better than those where we have time to pray and thank God for giving us another day of family life?
We agreed that your homework would be done immediately when you get home , but you get home and wander around, watch the TV, touch the net, go to the bathroom, talk on the phone, ... and the hours go by. How long would it take you to be free of the lessons? How would your mind be if you finished your lesson soon, starting the lessons as soon as you got home? Do you not realize how peaceful the mind is when everything is in order? Don't you see how happy Mom is when I get home and you are already "free" to do what you want because the most important thing is done?
So it is! Today, with great sadness, I sent a picture of myself with you to Professor Claudia, as I would be ashamed of not seeing my picture in the film that Claudia is going to make. Gosh, it's Mother's Day. You didn't get it on the list of importance. Their games, stickers and chats were more important than that.
We agreed that you would clean the dog's feces every morning. Son ... remember a few days ago .... how much you wanted a puppy. Dad was adamant about accepting it. But parents always think about their children, and we think it would be worthwhile to give this childlike satisfaction to you. It was an immense effort for Dad's heart. And then? Our only request is that you collect the feces in the morning. Difficult? Is it too much that we ask for? Wow, dad and mom have been helping a lot with Lysa. We have taken her to the doctor, done tests, opened our house for her to be happy. And you, what did you do to repay? Is it fair to your sister that she lost the dog because you didn't want to collaborate?
We agreed that "you would only eat 1 energy food per snack", and suddenly I show up on the patio and see you eating 2 cookie boxes with chocolate + chocolate. Is it fair to you? Who are you kidding if not yourself? Whoever gets fat or gets agitated is you ... and you are the one who will suffer the consequences of your choices. For this is a law of God - God has given us free will so that we can make our choices, but He has also given us the natural law of suffering the consequences for our choices.
We agreed that You needed to balance your food at home. But you make the nights with vegetables a drama festival. Won't you have to eat, really? So why mess up the family dinner with dramas? We are not the ones who will have better health. And yes you. It is our effort for you, not for us.
Now you want to give up English. But traveling and touring the United States you always want! So where's the win-win? You give a little, and we give a little. It is not fair that the balance weighs more to one side, is it? It is so difficult to dedicate a few hours a week to do something that will be worthwhile in the future.
You are a smart and intelligent boy, also very loving. But you don't know how to put what is most important first - your family's well-being and your own well-being.
Let's define “well-being”: it means being well in health, heart, mind and spirit; it is the balance of the integral being. How is your health, your learning, your heart and your spirituality?
Mom and Dad dreamed of this dearest, longed-for son for years. And God gave us this gift. Do you think that now we want to see our suffering treasure? Under pressure? Of course. All we want is to see you in peace, in harmony, enjoying life. But this enjoyment must come followed by an understanding of what it is like to live with the family and responsibility with their duties .
Is it too much that we charge you? Is it little that we give you? Are there many duties that we place on you? Think about it. Remember that we love you very much. Reflects. And seek your path of harmony.

Kisses. With love. Mommy.

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