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Parents and school a partnership

We are a family owned and operated business.

Parents & school = a partnership that results in success
School and family need to be partners in the education of our children. Know your part and transform your child's future.

I need to be present at my child's school: it doesn't just mean attending meetings and attending school events. It means getting to know the team, exchanging information with the teachers, telling the discoveries and anxieties of the family and the child. No teacher has a crystal ball, they need our help to understand what may be going on with the student.

I need to be part of his homework: it doesn't mean doing it for him or sitting by his side all the time. But paying attention to the needs of time and space, fixing the right place, choosing the best time for the lesson, being available to clear up doubts is something necessary for your child to understand that you are giving importance to this.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The disciplinary process placed by the school needs to be accepted by the family: even if you are in doubt about your child's share of guilt in a conflict that occurred at school, never undo the consequence or punishment placed by the school. Your child cannot, at any time, feel that you disrespect his teacher. If you have any doubts about what happened, talk directly to the teacher, and you will be able to understand the reasons for her attitude. But there are no loopholes for your child to think he can disrespect his teacher.

We are a family owned and operated business.

School and I need to educate together: parents are still in charge of educating their children, but now with help. They should not feel alone in the disciplinary function, just as the school can not only pass on knowledge, but also be concerned with the attitudes of its students. There needs to be partnership, not an imposition that each one must do their part.

Low grades need to be explained and understood: low grades do not mean certainty of serious problems, but they are warnings that something is not going well in your child's education or life. Therefore, teachers need to explain to parents what they feel may cause low scores, just as parents need to help them discover the causes from situations that may be occurring at home or with friends.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Direct tips: school and parents being one.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Set time and location for homework or exam study with your child

  • Homework should last between 1 and 2 hours, no more.

  • Awaken the news of the day to your child: call attention to something new that happened in the country or to something you just knew or know

  • Read news, stories, poetry.

  • Help your child with the school calendar.

  • Be on time with school schedules and dates

  • Send him in uniform and follow the school rules, even if you don't agree with all of them.

  • Encourage your child to ask questions in the classroom. If when doing homework he has doubts, encourage him by giving the way to clear up doubts.

  • Never speak ill of a teacher or your child's school. The school needs to have its authority maintained.

  • Understand your child's SCHOOL BULLETIN: understand each grade given so you can talk to your child.

  • Use some practical activities to show your child that you are integrated with their learning.

Shirlei de Menezes Rico

Pedagogue and speech therapist

Gran Leone College Director

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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